Thursday, October 21, 2004

Bruta, Ciega, Sordomuda

In celebration that all my midterms were officially over, I decided to take the 1/2 hour that I usually study in to stalk an Adonis. But my scheme was thwarted as he evaded me within the first 30 seconds (there is also the fact he had a 50yd head start, and it was in between classes so lots of traffic on the sidewalk (who lets those damn vehicles on the sidewalks on campus anyway? Especially between classes!)) So I decided to instead perpetuate this blog of mine.
My sinuses are acting up. I hate it when that happens.
I have a date tonight. I hope all goes well.
I want the weekend to come now. I mean now!
How much of the world do we really see around us? I have been in this particular study room several times now, and have just cogitated the dimensions of the room. It is much larger than I assumed previously.
The girl next to me keeps discretely shooting disapproving looks at me. I can't help it if my keyboard rivals that of some percussion instruments. Okay she finally vacated... and went to the other end of the room.

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