Tuesday, December 14, 2004

new beginning

This semester has drawn to a nice close. I've put the books away and boxed up the backpack until January. But I did leave a few text books out so as to read some and review. I'm sure there's a book nerd somewhere in my soul, I just need to find him.

Last night I went out to celebrate the end of school, and met someone rather nice. He is from Seattle, and has been in town for about a year, but is just now coming out. He has lived in Seattle and San Francisco and NEVER went to a gay bar there (and is now going to bars in Phoenix, wow. Living in solid "10" cities and then moving to a "3" city, in my opinion, it's probably best he didn't have any thing to compare to, if so, one word: disappointment). So I'm kind of excited to help him get his feet under him, and what's hard is that he's attractive and smart and REALLY nice, kind, generous, and gentlemanly. But I've told myself that he's beginning and more than likely with his new found freedom and sense of self, he'll need to "experiment" as we all did. So I've told myself that friendship is as far as I can go.
And he's new meat, so all the wolves will be after him. But you always remember the friends there with you at that time of your life, right?

Since school is over, I'm feeling free, and like I have SOO much time on my hands. So this morning I cleaned the kitchen and my room and should have gone to work out and run, but that is tonight and tomorrow. So the cute straight boy works out, so does the new guy. I NEED TO GET OFF MY FAT ASS AND GET TO THE GYM. No more excuses. So starting tonight, I'll do yoga, and then run and lift tomorrow morning. I need to. end of story.

A great read for the season is Here. This story made me feel all warm inside. I think I may be been somewhat inspired, but quickly moved that feeling out of mind... hehe.

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