Tuesday, June 27, 2006

mi orito

I watch the light slowly fade from the sky. I connect to the shadows as they fall, remembering the dark versus the light.
The sun turns a soft, golden face to the world for just moments more, before disappearing for another night.
The leaves wave in the gentle breeze as if bidding adieu to the long summer day and welcoming the cooler evening air.
I may have lived so much life in such a small and such a short time, that I didn’t even notice my own funeral.

The evening falls and the sun’s last few rays mingle and reflect from the moisture collected at the corners of my eyes.
As our short time together grew to a close, I fought to keep reality at bay, wanting our lives to intertwine forever.
When I was with him, I was a different person. I was carefree, I was all smiles, I was confident in the future. I placed my life on hold so as to be apart of his. Ashamed of the boring life I lead until he came, bursting into mine.

Just as magnesium burns with the luster of the noon day sun, our time at each other’s side shone like a sign to the future.
But just as quickly and intense as it burned, the light vanished and I was left in darkness. Wondering what became of us.
The sun’s last light bravely challenges the horizon, but as the cycle dictates, darkness has come to take its place.
I draw the curtains and turn on a small lamp. The dim, gold light it exudes brings a small smile to my face. I loved him.

And what you love can never let you go.

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