Thursday, April 19, 2007

sic te occurro: unus

The snow outside the window made a small loop before the breeze carried it off to its new home. He looked through the photo albums; his thoughts within the realm of the past. What has become of these people he thought.

The sun set in a spectacular show, as I sipped a cocktail with my good friend on his back patio. "So what are we going to do tonight?" I asked him. He responded with an unsure grunt and sipped his wine. The day had been torpid and we were enjoying it; but that's as far as emotion went. The weeks prior were full of running, hectic, loud, must-be-there events. Today we weren't there, or anywhere really. I got up to plop more ice in my drink and noticed that my friend had missed a text. "impromptu party, my house, 8pm." It was from someone he knew and I didn't. "Hey, I took the liberties of reading your text, here." He took the phone, "I haven't heard from him in quite sometime."
8pm we were just getting into the shower. He had a huge shower with what seemed like 8900 water heads, and we had since lost the modesty as well as the Eros for each other. Getting dressed we hemmed and hawed over how much we had gained and how we needed to get back to the gym. I broke a bottle and slit his throat because he was bemoaning his disappearing sculpted abdomen. Which in all reality was as defined as ever. I on the other hand, well, never mind.
At 9pm he drove me to a strange part of the city, or really just a street I had never gone down. But I could easily have found my way to the nearest bar should this party be a bust. I'm vigilant like that. The party was well lit, and full of beautiful men. I surmised most of the group and when the cute host came to greet us, and forgot to even look in my direction, I figured that I'd just make friends with his vodka. Hmm, where is the good stuff, ah, tucked under the counter like most good vodka so that other people won't drink it. I'm sure some saw me open the new bottle, but they might have had to talk to me to interfere. I wasn't too worried about the cuties stooping like that. I'd rather give them fodder to burn for a few minutes as they burn my back with cold words. Besides, after a few sips, they'd be a blur anyway.
I settled into a soft patio sofa near the waterfall to the pool. The water was so blue. It was so well lit. I wondered how much it would cost to fill it with vodka.
"What's your name sexy?" I looked up to see a tipsy man swoop down into the seat next to me. "What great teeth you have, I'm Neil."
"I'm Ryan." I shook his hand and wondered if his dentist used a bull-dozer to get that effect and then commented on the blueness of the pool. He actually did turn out to be a nice guy, despite his poorly lined teeth, and after another vodka soda, I forgot to look for him again. My friend was catching up with old acquaintances and I decided to circumvent the groups standing in the kitchen and dining room, and pretty much everywhere else, and dart through the master bedroom to use the bathroom. I was all alone and rather happy to be in solitude. I finished up and then ran right into the other cute host of the evening. I just smiled and excused myself, embarrassed that he was really cute and I was in his bedroom uninvited. I tried to exit but he grabbed my arm, and said something about how he loves to see attractive men in his room, and then I smiled and said something, I don't remember, since all I could think of was how attracted I was to him, how nice he was, how great of a smile he had, what pretty eyes were looking back at me, and then I became an eagle and flew to the door, landing on my friend's shoulder and regaining my composure. I searched for some water. I will NOT be tipsy in that man's house. I need to gather my wits should he find me again, so I can present myself with poise and dignity.

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