Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Frankly if my name was

Eww... broccoli just went in to be steamed and it really makes the place smell, but oh well.  I went to the gym, first time in ages - 7 weeks I think.  I weight myself and 291 is a large number.  Scary large.  I knew I gained weight, per the mirror, but morbidly obese is not what I want for myself.

I also had dinner with a friend last night, TH.  The impression I left with from him was that life is what you make of it.  He said that if you find happiness in eating a bag of cookies every night, then do it.  I think I may have read into what he was saying also as to say, "so stop complaining and do something about it, I just don't want to waste our time together with you complaining about a situation you've never done much to try and change." Yeah, that's what I heard you say because that's what I needed to hear.

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