Thursday, December 01, 2005

it needs to be said, but not to their face

Dear S,
Hmm, what you said; you decided this all on your own. I still think you’re running away. From what I don’t know, but I hope you find what it is you lack or are looking for. And for what it’s worth, I still think you took the easy way out.

Dear P,
You’ve made it quite obvious that you’re around for friends only. That’s cool. Though my too-fast-moving self might want more, based solely on the fact that physically you are the epitome of my type, I will hold back and concentrate on the fact that I know you are not what I’m looking for in a man. But GOD you’re beautiful. If I were a player and didn’t get all involved when I’m physical with someone I like, I’d totally work to get in your pants. GRRRRR!!!!

Dear C,
I’m still wondering some as to when you grew up and away so quickly.

Dear A,
I’m not attracted to girls in a relationship sense, but every time I’ve been down or sad, I think about you, and how you inspire me, how you are there with advice for me when I need it. I think about how I have leaned on you so many times I can’t count them. I’m scared to really think much more about it.

Dear Imogen Heap,
I think I love you, from an I-love-your-words-and-ideas point of view.

Dear R,
I know that your heart is still tender, and still hurts from time to time. I see it every time I see your broken smile. It’s not what it used to be. I understand that you’re at a point where you need to be alone and heal. But remember that you are loved. I know it’s not the same, but when the days get brighter again and that hole in your soul is filled up rather than just plastered over, you’ll be radiant once again.

Dear M,
I love your new album a lot, but lately what I’ve seen you wearing is less than flattering. Please stop trying to usher in a new wave of neo-70s.

Dear Brittany,
I really don’t care for the direction you took in your life. You are known for making hasty decisions that need to be annulled in the morning. Seriously, keep the kid, but as for the other, I think it’s morning. Seriously.

Dear Mariah,
I really don’t like you, nor your music. Really not anything about you, but for some reason I think I will give you a chance. Just one more.

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