Friday, December 09, 2011

don't forget me

I can't help but return to last night.  He said I was great, there was a connection, but there was nothing more and he wanted to be with me, but as a friend only.  I knew it was coming but was still a blow to my ego.  I am taking to mean that I am not physically attractive enough for him.  I did like him, I was ready to try and date him.  I spoke candidly with him.  I was able to be myself.
Speculation: He may want someone younger, he's only 25.  He called me handsome in emails before meeting.  I'm sure like all other gay men, he wants to date a 6-pack, and fall in love with a strong chest, and of course a tight ass.
He said he didn't want to lose touch but also said new friends are a matter of convenience and not really with whom to make definite plans.  So I resolved to just let him go.  I am walking away and will let it all rest on him. Life still has to happen, and now mine won't include or make efforts.

So my new lesson: to learn to love myself and carry on with out regard to the thoughts I think others have of me.

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