Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Week: Leave for SD

I leave for SD on Friday and I'm curled up into a small ball of anxiety for no other reason than for what I could leave behind.  It's a situation where I get so caught up into what I'm not bringing and that "what if I will need it" voice rings in true and hard.  So fighting that has been a bit of the up-hill battle today.  But I got a spirit lifter from my buddy there:

He understands my core needs and emotions... haha.

So the heat here is going to kill me, which is why I'm going to bed early and going to try and be as productive as possible during the not so hot part of the day.  Tomorrow is the last day of work for 6 weeks!!

I went to the gym today and weighted in at 288.  But this week I got a call from my Dr's office and my lipids are all still out of whack.  So I'm stopping me eating as much fat as I used to allow myself.  Last night was the first night I didn't have a spoonful (or four) of peanut butter before bed.  I want to eat, but I need to overcome my mental addiction to a full belly and just let full be enough.

Nothing like some rowing to get the juices flowing to get in shape. If I do say so myself.

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